Getting Lifeguards and Staying a Step Ahead of the Competition

Finding quality, qualified lifeguards and lifeguard companies is no walk in the park and should never be taken lightly.  Just as being a lifeguard that works for a lifeguard company should ever be a casual decision.  It might not seem like much when you look at it, but lifeguards and lifeguard companies make a difference on the safety of the people in your pool and even the people around the pool.  However, a lot of companies take the job of a lifeguard for granted and do not go a step further in ensuring that the people they hire are, in fact, certified and competent enough for the job.

USA Management makes sure that we hire the right person for the job, provide them with all the necessary training, certifications, support and management that they need.  We also provide them with technology and safety standards to help them stay alert on the job as much as possible.

3 Important Safety steps for Lifeguard Companies:


We as lifeguard companies should not just hire a person based on an "add we run" or a piece of paper that an applicant presents for a job opening– we have to make sure that we actually talk to the person that is applying, pre-screen their background, validate their accomplishments & certifications and evaluate their fitness for the job based on certain criteria.  Even then, the hiring process for lifeguards does not end with interviews. Lifeguard companies that want to be a responsible group of aquatic professionals have to make sure that all applicants pass the necessary training and certifications.  We need to further establish that candidates for a lifeguard job become a hundred percent confident that they are a good fit for the job.  Lifeguards that have completed their certification courses can finally start taking the steps of maturing into a professional water safety provider.  Furthermore, it is everyone's charge to help make sure that lifeguards skills are kept up to date and their lifesaving skills fresh


Lifeguard companies know that health and safety standards change on a regular basis.  This helps ensure that everyone will stays safe even with the changing times.  USA Management makes sure that all our lifeguard have the right certifications & training's at the very start – and that they continue updating these skills as time passes. Lifeguards have to be equipped not just with the right equipment but also the correct skills to respond to emergency situations both in the water and around the pool area.  We always ensure that our professional lifeguards are equipped with knowledge and experience for the job. Lifeguard companies that want to be a responsible group of aquatic professionals have to make sure that all applicants pass the necessary training and certifications.  We need to further establish that candidates for a lifeguard job become a hundred percent confident that they are a good fit for the job.  Lifeguards that have completed their certification courses can finally start taking the steps of maturing into a professional water safety provider.  Furthermore, it is everyone's charge to help make sure that lifeguards skills are kept up to date and their lifesaving skills fresh


To ensure that our lifeguards on duty stay alert at all times, our pool supervisors make frequent and thorough surprise inspections.  Our supervisors are given just the right amount of pools to manage so that all of them – facilities and staff included – are in top shape and in full operation all day, every day.